Saturday, July 14, 2012

Rainy Days.

What a day. {Sarcastic} I can count all the things I did on one hand:

1. Watched Pretty Little Liars (shout out to anyone else as obsessed as I am)
2.  Played in the rain
3. Finished a craft (featured below!)
4. Ate a chili dog
5. Wrote this blog post

What. A. Day.  
I'll have to say though, it was very exciting to see the rain come down in buckets. Monsoon season in AZ is insane. You can't fully appreciate it unless you've been through one and man - the rainstorm today was hard to beat. It completely filled the streets and covered the sidewalks. The park behind my house is now a lake. (really - people got inner tubes...)

Look! Picture proof! 
(That lake replaced my park, and that river replaced my street). 

That's a good 6 inches in the street!  

Alright, so maybe I'm too excited for the rain. But it hardly ever comes in Arizona! The day rain falls is the best day of the year! ;)

I'll admit, I only went outside once today. I played in the downpour, then kept myself indoors for the rest of the day. So, since I can only take so much drama from Pretty Little Liars, I decided to occupy myself with a project I've been working on. 

I was inspired by this picture from pinterest:

I've done tape things before! So I figured, Hey - I can totally do that! 
I might've taken too many creative liberties when painting, and I messed up. I didn't like how it turned out at all. 

Just gross. Don't look at it! I don't like it! (I actually hid it so my family wouldn't see). Plus, someone might've gone a little crazy with the paint and painted their hand purple and stuck it all over the canvas. Who does that?!? Not me! 

Ok. It was me.

Don't be like me. 

I was pouting about wasting a perfectly good canvas on impromptu finger-painting, and then I remembered seeing this picture and I thought - I could TOTALLY do that!!!  

So I grabbed it from it's hiding place in the bathroom, 
added a few colors, 

printed off some large letters, 
cut them out, 
and stuck 'em to my board! 

Then I spray painted it all over (after the rain stopped of course) and got this! 

It's not perfect, but I kinda like it that way. Reminds me to not sweat the small stuff. And, obviously, to laugh. Because life IS better when you're laughing! 

- Meg

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Megan, I love this so much. I'm always so impressed with your amazing ability to create things. I miss you so much. I can't wait to tear up the town with you when you get back!! Love you!! <4 (<--because that's more than just a normal heart ;)
