Saturday, June 16, 2012

Waiting at the airport

It always seems as though during finals week my life becomes something like The Backstreet Boys. Let me explain...
When someone mentions the band, everyone just rolls their eyes like “oh, that whatever boy’s band from the nineties", but as soon as one of their songs starts playing, I dare you not to sing along (because you know all the words – we all do. No shame). In the anticipation for finals, I hate it because I don't want to go through it again, but I actually do like finals week. You can get everything done on your own time, and then you don’t have to do it again. Refreshing. (Just like the Backstreet Boys) haha

Here are some things I'm currently doing:
Listening – Ain’t no Other Man by Christina Aguilera. Don’t care what you say, girl’s got soul. 
Loving – sitting in this airport right now. Oh wait, no I’m not. **Got here at 6:45, flight leaves at 12:30** 
Hungry for – CafĂ© Rio. DID YOU KNOW THEY HAVE ONE IN THE SLC AIRPORT!?!?!? Is it socially unacceptable to eat lunch foods for breakfast? …and then eat the same thing for lunch?
Wanting – to be home. But to have all my friends there too. Is that too much to ask?
Needing – new earphones. And a ukulele. And ukulele lessons.

I’m sorry if none of that made sense at all. It’s 8 in the morning and I’ve been sleep deprived this whole weekend. (That’s when you know the weekend is good). I never get much sleep the last week of school. Too busy trying to re-learn everything I collected in my educated head, and then forget it again. It stresses the brain.

Random question – who likes those shirts about Dr. Pepper that say Trust me, I’m a Dr? You’re not a doctor because you drank it. Please. If drinking that makes you a doctor, then I am for sure a cutie, because I eat those little oranges like there’s no tomorrow.

Sorry about that random interruption. It's just how my brain works friends.

So, it’s almost official. Once spring term grades come out, I’ll be an official Junior. When did that happen?
I am amazed every time I think of what I was doing 2 years in comparison to now. So much has happened. In thinking about it all, I realize one of the biggest things that has impacted me are all my roommates.
In 2 short years, I’ve lived with 15 different people (crazy!), and I am so grateful for all the lessons I’ve learned from each of them. ABout cleaning dishes, kitchen food parties, the woes of life and how people handle stress, how I interact with others, selflessness, how to correctly make microwave popcorn, sleepovers in the living room, and the process of becoming best friends. Shout out to Markie, Laryssa, Tarryn, Shirley, Megann, Kyley, Cami, Brittany, Kristen, "my Alex", Bethany, Alex, Emily, Mariah, and Diana! Love you all!