Friday, August 10, 2012

No Earlier.

Only 2 more weeks of being home. Am I happy about that? You bet. Am I sad? Of course.
But I really am ready to be back where all my friends are, and back to a scheduled life

My life this summer has been reduced to this in a nutshell:

Ok, I seem like a snob for putting that on my door, but people in my house wake up early - especially because school started this week. I am capable of waking up with the rest of the fam-bam at 6am, but my recent addiction to Pretty Little Liars, Drop Dead Diva, and How I Met Your Mother insomnia makes that a terrible experience. 

I just like sleep. And the internet. 

But don't you worry, I am working on getting up earlier so I won't be unprepared for the start of college classes. Junior year college classes. How weird does that sound? 

And how weird does the word weird look? Normally, if I write a word more than 10 times in a row, it starts to look a little funky. Like banana. Or ocean. Try it - you'll see! 
...But with the word weird, it just looks crazy all on it's own. It doesn't need 9 other duplicates. Weird. 

Anyways, here's a little of what my life has been: 

Listening: Safe by Britt Nicole and If You Wanna Go by Joy Williams. Both fantastic. Highly recommended. 
Watching: THE OLYMPICS! People constantly amaze me. And could Phelps get any more phantastic?!
Doing: sleeping in (obviously) and cooking. The occasional cleaning project, but mostly cooking.
Stalking: all my friends back in Provo. Their lives on Facebook are so much cooler than mine right now haha. 

I hope you are all having a great summer! Sleep in while you still can! 


P.S. if you see that little astrick by 10:30 am, it's because it leads the reader to a small note at the bottom of the page. It says "I will hunt you down if you wake me before. Thank you, come again."

I am a sleep snob.