Sunday, February 12, 2012

Burned out.

I’m burned out. This weekend began for me on Thursday, as I waited in choking anticipation for Alex, my roommate from last year to show up. She finally did, at 1am. Obviously, I didn’t get to bed until 3. It was great. Well, until I got to school of course. Lesson learned: Megan cannot function on 3 hours of sleep.

Currently I am:

Listening Garden Walls by Mindy Gledhill. One of my absolute favorites.

Loving being with my roommates and having Alex in the same state as me again.

Thinking deciding whether or not to go to the 6am yoga class in the morning.
Wanting more vegetables. But I want someone to cook them for me.

Needing someone to play with my hair. It’s been too long.

RAK doing the dishes tomorrow! (I think they’re multiplying)

Other items of note this weekend:

o Meeting Randy from Kid History at Target. He’s a definite celebrity in my mind.

oGoing to the “stake dance” on Friday – seeing all the couples on blind dates, having a great time with mine, and getting dressed up. It’s always a fun deal :)

o Going to lunch and yogurtland on Saturday. I’m slightly addicted to yogurtland. It’s bad.

o Getting the daylights scared out of me by two very sneaky roommates who were hiding under my bad and in my closet. (nice one guys, didn’t even see that one coming)

o Going to the BYU vs. Pepperdine basketball game! WE WON! Hooray!

o Hiking the Y on a spur of the whim. Then, shoe sledding back down over all the snow. Scary and SO fun!

o Staying up too late with roommates playing crazy card games and talking about boys. Haha, the stresses of a college girl’s life.

o An amazing Sunday. All the lessons and talks were fantastic! My ward is seriously the greatest.

Welp, this finishes up my third post for February! Stay tuned – I’m sure I’ll have something to write about for this Tuesday… And now you're interested ;) hahaha



  1. what a stinkin cute group of friends.
    p.s. mindy gledhill?

  2. You are too cute! Mmmm frozen yogurt. I want it NOW! Love your blog. Newest follower!

  3. i really like your blog, it's so fun! :)

    p.s. i want something to eat, but i want someone to make it for me too, haha!

    <3, Mimi
    Udderly Smooth Giveaway

  4. mindy gledhill is hands down one of my favs!
    you blog is stinkin adorable!
    love love love
    thanks for sharing.
    elsha rae.
