Thursday, May 2, 2013

A little about BYU.

Guys. Yesterday, for the first time, I told someone out loud that I'm a senior. 
I feel like I should start getting discounts at places I shop or something. 

Can't even believe how fast college has gone, and now I'm starting my last year. AAAGH. 
It’s been an incredible ride though. So glad I have another year! 
Sometimes I feel like I'm just a little kid..

My friend is putting together a "BYU freshman survival guide" for her kid brother and asked me to contribute, so here are all the thoughts that swirled around in my head. 

Things to do for the full freshman experience:

Hike the Y. at midnight.
Go tunnel singing
Be a maniac at a BYU game (I recommend Mens Volleyball, football, hockey, or basketball)
Roast marshmallows or bake cookies on the lights of the bell towers (itll most likely taste terrible)
Eat ice cream at the creamery
Get a picture with Cosmo
Wear a BYU shirt with pride
Go to devotional in the Marriott Center
Eat a BYU brownie and chocolate covered cinnamon gummy bears
Go see divine comedy
Go on a road trip

Here are some "thoughts of wisdom" I've learned from 3 years at the Y:

1. The awesome thing about college is the fact that there are no “popular kids”. There might be popular groups in your ward, but for the most part, its just tons of awesome people at one university. Use this time to figure out who you like to hang out with.
2. Everyone around you has a story, and although everyone is from different places, we’re all connected through the gospel. Use that to your advantage.
3. The “BYU bubble” is something that DOES exist and you’re choosing to live in it. Be grateful you do!
4. You’ll make TONS of acquaintances, lots of friends, and some lifetime friends. Be aware of which ones you are forming and stay close to those people you love being around. You’ll have some of these friends for life!  
5. Discover who you are outside of your parents; outside of people who are familiar to you. Be true to yourself and remember it's ok to be alone sometimes.
6. Keep an open mind. You’re going into a school where there are thousands of people smarter than you. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn anything you want by qualified people who want to teach you what they know. You’re paying for it, so you might as well!
7. BYU is about realizing “why” you’re there, who “you” are, and learning how to “be” that person.
8. It’s completely fine to call off socializing for a few nights to study or go to bed at 8pm.
9. It’s also completely fine to blow off homework for one night and stay out until 5am. Although you might regret it the next day...
10. Get your priorities straight. (refer to 8 and 9)
11. Make and DOCUMENT memories. 
12. Can’t stress this one enough - BYU is a great life, but it’s not real life.
13. The church heavily subsidizes tuition because they see the value and potential you have to the world. Be so grateful for that, and be grateful that the church has such an active role in university life. You have the opportunity to sit at the feet of apostles and prophets of God who come to speak directly to you. How neat is that??

 The first picture I ever took at BYU... 
In a year I'll be updating this to include the LAST picture I take at BYU. 

Time flies. Live it up. 

Love, Megs


  1. Man, Megan, this post is so awesome!! Thank you so much for writing this out. The advice you gave and things you wrote are so perfect. You're the best!! Love you so much!

  2. This was such a great post - I'm glad you have loved BYU!
